Steph Woods is an Australian contemporary ceramic artist known for her unconventional ceramic vessels. In her practice, she explores the expectations entwined with ceramics by opposing or exaggerating them through themes of reflection, functionality, and form. Steph’s distinctive pieces are visually material driven as she uses her fingertips as a tool to sculpt and create repetitive patterns.
Outrageous colour and extreme texture are a staple, intended to encapsulate movement within the form and obscure the fragility of the ceramic. Her work is reminiscent of decadent desserts, colourful hues reflective of playful nostalgia, and intricate detail that baffles even the most seasoned art aficionados — all in the realm of ceramic work.
Steph works from her home studio in Brisbane, Australia. Since completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts at Queensland University of Technology and starting her art practice in 2017, Steph has showcased her work in galleries and showrooms in Australia, France, and Canada. Most recently her work was shown in exhibitions hosted by the National Gallery of Victoria, Craft Victoria, 1000 Vases, Boom Gallery, Michael Reid Gallery and Curatorial & Co.